Sunday, April 12, 2009

Broken Heart..

I had broke with "he"..
And he had told me that he want to leave me
and we can't continue our relationship..
If you ask me, i still love him?
My answer is yes..
If i not love him, i won't do so much thing for him..
I spend a lot of my time, my money on him..
But at the end, it seem like
I had been using by him..
He just playing me around, foolish me around..
Always broke promise on me..
But since he choose to stop relationship with me,
that is good for him too..
Start from beginning, we start our relationship is a faulth..
He is not belong to me..and he is not mine too..
Because i love him, so i wish he can be happy always..
After i leave, maybe he can be more happy
on his life, with his family and his business..

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